

Corporate bodies
and auditing firm

In this section you will be able to Spindox Spa’s management presentation

Management presentation

Board of Directors

Paolo Costa

Paolo Costa


Chief Marketing & Communications Officer





Chief Strategy Officer

Director of Technology Services

Born in Milan on 13 October 1962, he graduated with honours in Modern Literature with a focus on philology and linguistics from the University of Pavia in 1985. For a decade he worked as a journalist (Domus, Europeo, Il Sole 24 Ore), before turning to business consulting in the field of organisational communication and information technology. After gaining experience in ICT first as an entrepreneur (Mindthegap) then as an executive (Etnoteam), he founded Spindox in 2007.

Adjunct lecturer for the degree courses in Communication and for the master’s degree course in Modern Philology at the University of Pavia. Since 1998, he has focused on digital culture and new media. He is one of the founding partners of Betwyll, an innovative startup that develops technologies to support teaching.

Born in Rivoli (TO) on 8 December 1971. After graduating in Management Engineering from Turin Polytechnic in 1996, he joined Ernst&Young Consultants where he held the roles of Business Analyst and Manager and Practice Leader for ERP Implementation Projects from 1997 to 2000.

Prior to joining Spindox in 2012, he gained solid experience in the management and leadership fields at several national and international companies.

See Curriculum Vitae ↗

See Curriculum Vitae ↗




Automotive, Manufacturing and Retail markets Director

Francesco Berti




Born in Ravenna, 24 October 1974. After graduating in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pavia in 1998, he worked in consulting (Ernst&Young, Capgemini, Accenture) from 2000 until 2008, before joining Spindox.

He holds a degree cum laude in Economics from the Catholic University of Milan and an MBA from the Bologna Business School.

After experience in organisational consulting at Ernst & Young and KPMG, he trained in administration and finance, becoming Financial Controller South Europe for Saab Ab at General Motor. Subsequently, he was CFO at Furla from 2008 to 2012, managing international reorganisations and M&A. Since 2012, he has followed corporate reorganisation projects, taking on management roles at Amadori in 2013, including General Manager and CEO for five years. Since 2023, he has worked as an independent advisor and member of boards of directors, bringing his expertise to strategic repositionings.

See Curriculum Vitae

See Curriculum Vitae

Rosa Cipriotti






She graduated with honours in Economics from La Sapienza in Rome, and completed an Executive Master at Harvard Business School in 2015. Recently, she expanded her expertise in ESG with a course at Bologna Business School. With over 20 years of work in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance and Private Equity, he has extensive experience in finance, risk management and strategy. Since 1999, he has built an international profile in global financial institutions and now offers independent advice to companies and families. Since 2013, he has been a non-executive director in multinational and national companies, and has an academic history that includes assisting and teaching business economics at La Sapienza and Politecnico di Milano.


Born in Pescara on 14 May 1968. After graduating in Information Sciences in 1993 from the University of L’Aquila, he has always worked – first as a consultant and manager, then as an entrepreneur – in the world of information technology and telecommunications. He has worked at Pride, Ericsson, Reply and Energent, among others. He founded Foodlovery (a beverage and food delivery company present in 40 Italian cities), Conexo (an innovative startup incubated at the Federico II University in Naples) and Deep Consulting (a technological innovation and IT consultancy company now part of the Spindox Group).

See Curriculum Vitae

See Curriculum Vitae




Head of R&D and Innovation Markets director
CEO of Spindox UK and Spindox USA

Matteo Menin




Born on 4 February 1967 in Pisa. After graduating in 1992 with a degree in Computer Science (now Informatics) from the University of Pisa, she obtained a PhD in Robotic and Bioengineering Engineering from the consortium of the Universities of Genoa, Pisa and Milan Polytechnic.

Gestriha has carried out several research collaborations both in Italy and the United States. In 1997, she joined Etnoteam S.p.A., where she gained extensive experience in consulting, leading large IT projects in the digital and telecommunications sectors. She joined Spindox in 2008.



He graduated in Economics at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, specialising in marketing and quantitative methodologies for business, with a thesis on Internet and cultural industries: the case of the virtual museum.

Today he is Head of Global Content Generation at Zambon Spa, with responsibility for global content production and media planning coordination.

In the past, he held positions in various consulting and service companies, dealing in particular with digital transition, startup acceleration, open innovation, strategy and marketing, social media management, and corporate communications. He was among others General Manager of WeSchool Srl, General Manager for Corporate Communications and Digital Reputation of Alkemy Spa (where he also held the position of Vice President for Communications), Consulting Director in Between Spa, Milan, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Mindthegap Srl.

See Curriculum Vitae ↗

See Curriculum Vitae

Dario Trezzi



Born on 3 August 1971 in Magenta (MI), he graduated in Computer Science in 1997 at the State University of Milan.

During his professional career he has gained significant experience in multinationals such as PWC, Deloitte, Capgemini and HPE. Particularly relevant are his skills in the field of telecommunications engineering, developed through many years of collaboration with the main Italian and European telephone operators.

He has been with Spindox since 2019, where he held the role of Market Director for the telecommunications sector.



See Curriculum Vitae ↗

Board of Statuatory Auditors



Born in Gallarate (VA), on October 8th, 1965. After graduating in Business Administration in 1989 at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, he gained solid experience as an auditor in various professional firms, covering the office of shareholder from 1999

Since 2004, he has been a partner of the firm “TCFCT – Studio Associato Consulenza Societaria e Tributaria” (firm of reference in Italy of the Nexia International network), of which, since 2016, he has been a special independent counsel. He was already statutory auditor of Spindox from 2017 to 2019.



Born in Catanzaro on October 16th, 1964. After graduating in Economics and Commerce in 1987 and completing a Master in Taxation in 1989, he has been a partner – since 1992 – of several national and international professional firms also connected to the Big Four.



Born in Milan on September 26th, 1970. After graduating in Business Administration in 1998 at the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, he gained Experience in accounting within several professional firms, before becoming a member of “TCFCT – Associated Firm of Corporate and Tax Consultancy”.

Since 2021, he has been a partner of “Studio Gallizia Mussi”. He is registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan and in the Register of Statutory Auditors. He was already a statutory auditor for Spindox from 2011 and 2014.



Born in Palermo, 21 April 1977. After graduating in 2001 with a degree in Economics and Business Law from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, he began his collaboration with Studio La Croce Commercialisti in 2006, of which – since 2011 – he has been an associate.

From January 2019 to May 2021, he held the position of statutory auditor of Spindox.



Born in Milan on 26 September 1970. After graduating in Business Economics in 1998 from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, he gained experience in accounting in various professional firms, before becoming a partner in the firm “TCFCT – Studio Associato Consulenza Societaria e Tributaria” from 2004 until 2013.

Since 2021 he has been a partner in “Studio Gallizia Mussi”. He is enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan and in the Register of Auditors. He previously served as statutory auditor of Spindox from 2011 to 2014.

Supervisory Board

Giuseppe Interrante


Ferruccio Amenta

Claudia Putzulu

Auditing firm

In Evidenza

Company Profile

Bilanci e relazioni

Copertura analisti

Calendario eventi

Presentazione del management

Consiglio di amministrazione

Paolo Costa



Chief Marketing & Communications Officer


Born in Milan on October 13th, 1962, he graduated in Modern Literature with a philological-linguistic focus from the University of Pavia, in 1985. He worked as a journalist for a decade – at Domus, Europeo, Il Sole 24 Ore – before turning to business consulting in the field of organizational communication and information technology. Having gainied experience in ICT fas an entrepreneur (Mindthegap) and then as an executive (Etnoteam), he founded Spindox in 2007.

He is an adjunct professor fo degree courses in Communication and for master’s degree course in Modern Philology at the University of Pavia. Since 1998, he has been focusing on digital culture and new media. He is among the founding partners of Betwyll, an innovative startup that develops technologies to support education.

Vedi il Curriculum Vitae ↗




Chief Strategy Officer

Director of Technology Services

Born in Rivoli (TO), on December 8th, 1971. After graduating with a Master’s Degree in Management Engineering from Turin Polytechnic in 1996, he joined Ernst&Young Consultants where he held the roles of Business Analyst and Manager and Practice Leader for ERP Implementation Projects between 1997 and 2000.

Before joining Spindox in 2012, he gained grounded experience in management and administration at various national and international companies.

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Automotive, Manufacturing and Retail markets Director

Born in Ravenna on October 24th, 1974. After graduating in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pavia in 1998, he worked in consulting – at Ernst&Young, Capgemini, and Accenture – from 2000 until 2008 before joining Spindox.

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Francesco Berti



He boasts a bachelor’s degree cum laude in Economics from the Catholic University of Milan and an MBA from the Bologna Business School.

After gaining experience in organizational consulting at Ernst&Young and KPMG, he trained in administration and finance, becoming Financial Controller South Europe for Saab Ab in General Motor. Subsequently, he was CFO in Furla between 2008 and 2012, managing international reorganizations and M&A. Since 2012, he has been following corporate reorganization projects, assuming management roles in Amadori in 2013, including General Manager and CEO for five years. Since 2023, he has been working as an independent advisor and board member, bringing his expertise to strategic repositionings.

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Rosa Cipriotti



She graduated with honors in Economics from La Sapienza in Rome, and completed an Executive Master’s degree at Harvard Business School in 2015. Recently, she expanded her expertise in ESG with a course at Bologna Business School. With more than 20 years working in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance and Private Equity, she has extensive experience in finance, risk management and strategy. Since 1999, she has built an international profile in global financial institutions and now provides independent advice to businesses and families. Since 2013, she has been a non-executive director in multinational and domestic companies. Her academic career includes assisting and teaching in business administration at La Sapienza and Politecnico di Milano.

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Born on February 4th, 1967, in Pisa, Italy, she graduated in 1992, obtaining a degree in Computer Science, now Informatics, from the University of Pisa. She anso obtained her Ph.D. in Robotics and Bioengineering from the consortium of the Universities of Genoa, Pisa and the Polytechnic University of Milan.

She carried out several research collaborations in both Italy and the United States. In 1997 she joined Etnoteam S.p.A., where she gained extensive experience in consulting, leading large IT projects in the digital and telecommunications sectors. She joined Spindox in 2008.

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Matteo Menin



He holds a degree in Economics from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, specializing in marketing and quantitative methodologies for business, with a thesis on the Internet and cultural industries: the case of the virtual museum.

Today, he is Head of Global Content Generation at Zambon Spa, with responsibility for global content production and media planning coordination.

In the past, he has held positions in several consulting and services companies, focusing on digital transition, startup acceleration, open innovation, strategy and marketing, social media management, and corporate communications. Among others, he was General Manager of WeSchool Srl, General Manager for Corporate Communications and Digital Reputation of Alkemy Spa (where he also served as Vice President for Communications), Consulting Director in Between Spa, Milan, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Mindthegap Srl.

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Dario Trezzi



Born August 3RD, 1971, in Magenta (MI), he received a degree in Computer Science in 1997 from the State University of Milan.

During his professional career he gained significant experience in multinational organizations such as PWC, Deloitte, Capgemini and HPE. Particularly relevant are his skills in the field of telecommunications engineering, developed through many years of collaboration with the main Italian and European telephone operators.

He joined Spindox in 2019 and held the role of Market Director for the telecommunications sector.

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Born in Pescara on May 14th, 1968. After graduating in 1993 from the University of L’Aquila with a degree in information science, he always worked-first as a consultant and manager, then as an entrepreneur-in the world of information technology and telecommunications. Among others, he has been working at Pride, Ericsson, Reply, and Energent. He founded Foodlovery, a beverege and food delivery company present in 40 Italian cities, Conexo, an innovative startup incubated at the Federico II University of Naples, and Deep Consulting, a technology innovation and IT consulting company now part of the Spindox Group.

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Board of Auditors



Born in Gallarate (VA), on October 8th, 1965. After graduating in Business Administration in 1989 from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, he gained solid experience as an auditor in several professional firms, holding – since 1999 – the position of partner.

Since 2004 he has been a partner in the firm “TCFCT – Studio Associato Consulenza Societaria e Tributaria” (the referent firm in Italy of the Nexia International network), for which, since 2016, he has been special independent counsel. He previously served as a statutory auditor of Spindox from 2017 to 2019.



Born in Catanzaro, Italy, on October 16th, 1964. After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in 1987 and a Master’s Degree in Taxation in 1989, he has been a partner–since 1992–in several national and international professional firms, including those linked to the Big Four.



Born in Milan, Italy, on October 16th, 1963. After graduating in Business Administration in 1989 from the Bocconi University of Milan, he worked from 1990 to 1992 as an auditor at Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.; then he gained solid experience as an auditor at “Studio Tributario e Societario” and since 2005 he is founder and managing partner of “Studio Tributario e Societario7PKF Network.”

Since 2021 he has been a partner at Studio Palea Lauri Gerla. He is a member of the Register of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan and the Register of Auditors.



Born in Palermo, Italy, on April 21st, 1977. After graduating in 2001 with a degree in Business Economics and Legislation from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, he began in 2006 his collaboration with Studio La Croce Commercialisti, of which – since 2011 – he has been an associate.

From January 2019 to May 2021, he served as acting auditor of Spindox.



Born in Milan, Italy, on September 26th, 1970. After graduating in Business Administration in 1998 from Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, he gained experience in accounting in several professional firms before becoming a partner in the firm “TCFCT – Studio Associato Consulenza Societaria e Tributaria” from 2004 until 2013.

He has been a partner in “Studio Gallizia Mussi” since 2021. He is a member of the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan and the Register of Auditors. He previously served as statutory auditor of Spindox from 2011 to 2014.

Supevisory Board

Giuseppe Carteni


Giorgio Misuraca

Claudia Putzulu

Auditing firm

In Evidenza

Company Profile

Bilanci e relazioni

Copertura analisti

Calendario eventi